Erdbeer Joghurt Becher

Erdbeer Joghurt Becher

Joghurt- und Erdbeereis, Naturjoghurt, frische Erdbeere, Sahne Joghurt and strawberry ice cream, joghurt, fresh strawberries, whipped cream Gelato alla fragola e jogurt, jogurt, fragole fresche, panna

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Heidelbeer Joghurt Becher

Heidelbeer Joghurt Becher

Joghurteis und Fruchteis, Joghurt, Sahne, Heidelbeeren und Fruchtsoße Yoghurt and fruit ice cream, yoghurt, whipped cream, blueberries and fruit sauce Gelato allo jogurt e frutta, jogurt, panna, mirtilli e salsa di frutta

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Spezial Joghurt Becher

Spezial Joghurt Becher

Vanille- und Joghurteis, Sahne, Joghurt und Früchte Vanilla and yoghurt ice cream, whipped cream, yoghurt and fruit Gelato alla vaniglia e jogurt, panna, jogurt e frutta

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