Pizza Eis

Pizza Eis

Gem. Eis, Sahne, Obst, Kirschen und Erdbeersaft Mixed ice cream, whipped cream, fruits, cherries and strawberry sauce Gelato misto, panna, frutta, salsa di fragole e ciliege

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Spaghetti Eis Carbonara

Spaghetti Eis Carbonara

Eiscreme, Sahne, Krokant, geraspelte Nüsse, Haselnüsse, Karamelsoße Milk ice, whipped cream, halzenuts, nougat, crushed nuts and caramel sauce Gelato al latte, panna, croccante, nocciole, granella di nocciole e salsa di caramello

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Spaghetti Eis Primavera

Spaghetti Eis Primavera

Vanille- und Fruchteis, Sahne, Fruchtsoße und frische Früchte Vanilla and fruit ice cream, whipped cream, fruit sauce, fresh fruit Gelato alla vaniglia e frutta, panna, salsa alla frutta e frutta fresca

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Spaghetti Eis

Spaghetti Eis

Vanille- und Erdbeereis, Sahne, Erdbeersoße und Schokostreusel Vanilla and strawberry ice cream, whipped cream, strawberry sauce, chocolate flakes Gelato alla vaniglia e fragola, panna, salsa di fragole, scaglie di cioccolato

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